Security Health Check
IT professionals need to have visibility of their entire network and an understanding of it’s health before reviewing strategy, complete an audit or particular cyber project.
Pen Testing
Pen Testing is a necessary activity to demonstrate that new products and services are secure as well as reassuring the business that the overall security of critical systems cannot be compromised. FortNet can provide Pen Testers to suit your need and budget. Initially we recommend an affordable IT and Risk Assessment which gives you the opportunity to close down as many loose ends as possible - ensuring passwords are refreshed and unique, all devices and servers are using current versions of operating systems, applications and antivirus.
Outsourced SOC
As the number of attempts to attack your organisation grow, an overwhelming number of alerts and events can swamp your IT team. Outsourced security operation centre (SOC) will typically provide 30% cost saving versus doing it internally. Outsourced SOC’s will investigate 100% of alerts, take away the headache of staff retention, keep up to date with the latest emerging threats and Intel and ensure the best tools have been invested in.
FortNet UK advises their customers with regard to external resourcing of Cyber Security including remediation, GRC and out-sourced SOC’s.